Carb Counter >> Baked Products >> Muffins - Wheat Bran Muffins

Number of displayed food(s) - 3

Serving SizeCarbohydratesCaloriesCalories from CarbohydratesPercent of Calories from Carbohydrates
Muffins, wheat bran, dry mix
1 oz 19.13 g 112.27 76.52 68.2%
100g 67.48 g 396.00 269.92 68.2%
1 package (7 oz) 133.61 g 784.08 534.43 68.2%
Muffins, wheat bran, toaster-type with raisins
1 oz 14.80 g 83.63 50.46 60.3%
1 muffin, toaster 18.79 g 106.20 64.08 60.3%
100g 52.20 g 295.00 178.00 60.3%
Muffins, wheat bran, toaster-type with raisins, toasted
1 oz 15.73 g 88.74 53.64 60.4%
1 muffin, toaster 18.87 g 106.42 64.33 60.4%
100g 55.50 g 313.00 189.20 60.4%