Number of displayed food(s) - 3

Serving SizeCarbohydratesCaloriesCalories from CarbohydratesPercent of Calories from Carbohydrates
Polish sausage, pork
1 oz 0.46 g 92.42 1.85 2.0%
100g 1.63 g 326.00 6.52 2.0%
1 sausage (10" long x 1-1/4" dia) 3.70 g 740.02 14.80 2.0%
Sausage, Polish, beef with chicken, hot
1 serving 5 pieces 1.98 g 142.45 7.91 5.6%
100g 3.59 g 259.00 14.38 5.6%
Sausage, Polish, pork and beef, smoked
1 serving 2.67 oz 1.50 g 228.76 6.02 2.6%
100g 1.98 g 301.00 7.92 2.6%