Carb Counter >> Vegetables >> Waterchesnuts

Number of displayed food(s) - 2

Serving SizeCarbohydratesCaloriesCalories from CarbohydratesPercent of Calories from Carbohydrates
Waterchestnuts, chinese, (matai), raw
4 waterchestnuts 8.62 g 34.92 30.15 86.4%
0.5 cup slices 14.84 g 60.14 51.93 86.4%
100g 23.94 g 97.00 83.76 86.4%
Waterchestnuts, chinese, canned, solids and liquids
4 waterchestnuts 3.44 g 14.00 10.98 78.4%
0.5 cup slices 8.61 g 35.00 27.44 78.4%
100g 12.30 g 50.00 39.20 78.4%