Carb Counter >> Babyfood >> Miscellaneous

Number of displayed food(s) - 4

Serving SizeCarbohydratesCaloriesCalories from CarbohydratesPercent of Calories from Carbohydrates
Babyfood, pretzels
1 pretzel 4.93 g 23.82 19.18 80.5%
1 oz 23.30 g 112.55 90.61 80.5%
100g 82.20 g 397.00 319.60 80.5%
Babyfood, teething biscuits
1 biscuit 8.40 g 43.12 33.00 76.5%
1 oz 21.66 g 111.13 85.05 76.5%
100g 76.40 g 392.00 300.00 76.5%
Fluid replacement, electrolyte solution (include PEDIALYTE)
1 fl oz 0.76 g 3.12 3.06 98.0%
100g 2.45 g 10.00 9.80 98.0%
1 cup (8 fl oz) 6.12 g 25.00 24.50 98.0%
1 piece 5.19 g 29.82 20.08 67.3%
1 toast, Gerber Zwieback 5.19 g 29.82 20.08 67.3%
1 rusk 7.42 g 42.60 28.68 67.3%
1 oz 21.04 g 120.77 81.31 67.3%
100g 74.20 g 426.00 286.80 67.3%