Carb Counter >> Cakes >> Chocolate Cake

Number of displayed food(s) - 4

Serving SizeCarbohydratesCaloriesCalories from CarbohydratesPercent of Calories from Carbohydrates
Cake, chocolate, commercially prepared with chocolate frosting
1 oz 15.30 g 104.04 58.08 55.8%
1 piece (1/8 of 18 oz cake) 34.55 g 234.88 131.11 55.8%
100g 53.98 g 367.00 204.86 55.8%
Cake, chocolate, dry mix, pudding-type
1 oz 21.98 g 112.27 84.00 74.8%
100g 77.53 g 396.00 296.31 74.8%
1 package (18.25 oz) 400.81 g 2,047.32 1,531.93 74.8%
Cake, chocolate, dry mix, regular
1 oz 19.84 g 121.34 76.76 63.3%
100g 69.99 g 428.00 270.76 63.3%
1 package (18.50 oz) 366.75 g 2,242.72 1,418.78 63.3%
Cake, chocolate, prepared from recipe without frosting
1 piece (1/12 of 9" dia) 49.85 g 340.10 193.44 56.9%
100g 52.48 g 358.00 203.62 56.9%
1 cake, 2-layer (8" or 9" dia) 596.66 g 4,070.46 2,315.12 56.9%