Number of displayed food(s) - 4

Serving SizeCarbohydratesCaloriesCalories from CarbohydratesPercent of Calories from Carbohydrates
100g 71.50 g 343.00 246.00 71.7%
1 cup 121.55 g 583.10 418.20 71.7%
Buckwheat flour, whole-groat
100g 70.59 g 335.00 242.36 72.3%
1 cup 84.71 g 402.00 290.83 72.3%
Buckwheat groats, roasted, cooked
100g 19.94 g 92.00 68.96 75.0%
1 cup 33.50 g 154.56 115.85 75.0%
Buckwheat groats, roasted, dry
100g 74.95 g 346.00 258.60 74.7%
1 cup 122.92 g 567.44 424.10 74.7%