Number of displayed food(s) - 1

Serving Size
Cheese, colby
1 cubic inch
Carbohydrates 0.44 g
Calories 66.98
Calories from Carbohydrates 1.75
Percent of Calories from Carbohydrates 2.6%
1 slice (1 oz)
Carbohydrates 0.72 g
Calories 110.32
Calories from Carbohydrates 2.88
Percent of Calories from Carbohydrates 2.6%
1 oz
Carbohydrates 0.73 g
Calories 111.70
Calories from Carbohydrates 2.91
Percent of Calories from Carbohydrates 2.6%
Carbohydrates 2.57 g
Calories 394.00
Calories from Carbohydrates 10.27
Percent of Calories from Carbohydrates 2.6%
1 cup, shredded
Carbohydrates 2.90 g
Calories 445.22
Calories from Carbohydrates 11.61
Percent of Calories from Carbohydrates 2.6%
1 cup, diced
Carbohydrates 3.39 g
Calories 520.08
Calories from Carbohydrates 13.56
Percent of Calories from Carbohydrates 2.6%
Serving SizeCarbohydratesCaloriesCalories from CarbohydratesPercent of Calories from Carbohydrates
Cheese, colby
1 cubic inch 0.44 g 66.98 1.75 2.6%
1 slice (1 oz) 0.72 g 110.32 2.88 2.6%
1 oz 0.73 g 111.70 2.91 2.6%
100g 2.57 g 394.00 10.27 2.6%
1 cup, shredded 2.90 g 445.22 11.61 2.6%
1 cup, diced 3.39 g 520.08 13.56 2.6%