Carb Counter >> Pork Products >> Prok - Center Rib Chops or Roasts

Number of displayed food(s) - 4

Serving Size
Pork, fresh, loin, center rib (chops or roasts), bone-in, separable lean and fat, raw
1 chop, excluding refuse (yield from 1 raw chop, with refuse, weighing 151 g)
Carbohydrates 0.00 g
Calories 204.82
Calories from Carbohydrates 0.00
Percent of Calories from Carbohydrates 0.0%
Carbohydrates 0.00 g
Calories 209.00
Calories from Carbohydrates 0.00
Percent of Calories from Carbohydrates 0.0%
1 lb
Carbohydrates 0.00 g
Calories 948.02
Calories from Carbohydrates 0.00
Percent of Calories from Carbohydrates 0.0%
Pork, fresh, loin, center rib (chops or roasts), bone-in, separable lean only, raw
1 chop, excluding refuse (yield from 1 raw chop, with refuse, weighing 151 g)
Carbohydrates 0.00 g
Calories 128.14
Calories from Carbohydrates 0.00
Percent of Calories from Carbohydrates 0.0%
Carbohydrates 0.00 g
Calories 149.00
Calories from Carbohydrates 0.00
Percent of Calories from Carbohydrates 0.0%
1 lb
Carbohydrates 0.00 g
Calories 675.86
Calories from Carbohydrates 0.00
Percent of Calories from Carbohydrates 0.0%
Pork, fresh, loin, center rib (chops or roasts), boneless, separable lean and fat, raw
Carbohydrates 0.00 g
Calories 211.00
Calories from Carbohydrates 0.00
Percent of Calories from Carbohydrates 0.0%
1 chop, excluding refuse (yield from 1 raw chop, with refuse, weighing 113 g)
Carbohydrates 0.00 g
Calories 213.11
Calories from Carbohydrates 0.00
Percent of Calories from Carbohydrates 0.0%
1 lb
Carbohydrates 0.00 g
Calories 957.10
Calories from Carbohydrates 0.00
Percent of Calories from Carbohydrates 0.0%
Pork, fresh, loin, center rib (chops or roasts), boneless, separable lean only, raw
1 chop, excluding refuse (yield from 1 raw chop, with refuse, weighing 113 g)
Carbohydrates 0.00 g
Calories 133.76
Calories from Carbohydrates 0.00
Percent of Calories from Carbohydrates 0.0%
Carbohydrates 0.00 g
Calories 152.00
Calories from Carbohydrates 0.00
Percent of Calories from Carbohydrates 0.0%
1 lb
Carbohydrates 0.00 g
Calories 689.47
Calories from Carbohydrates 0.00
Percent of Calories from Carbohydrates 0.0%
Serving SizeCarbohydratesCaloriesCalories from CarbohydratesPercent of Calories from Carbohydrates
Pork, fresh, loin, center rib (chops or roasts), bone-in, separable lean and fat, raw
1 chop, excluding refuse (yield from 1 raw chop, with refuse, weighing 151 g) 0.00 g 204.82 0.00 0.0%
100g 0.00 g 209.00 0.00 0.0%
1 lb 0.00 g 948.02 0.00 0.0%
Pork, fresh, loin, center rib (chops or roasts), bone-in, separable lean only, raw
1 chop, excluding refuse (yield from 1 raw chop, with refuse, weighing 151 g) 0.00 g 128.14 0.00 0.0%
100g 0.00 g 149.00 0.00 0.0%
1 lb 0.00 g 675.86 0.00 0.0%
Pork, fresh, loin, center rib (chops or roasts), boneless, separable lean and fat, raw
100g 0.00 g 211.00 0.00 0.0%
1 chop, excluding refuse (yield from 1 raw chop, with refuse, weighing 113 g) 0.00 g 213.11 0.00 0.0%
1 lb 0.00 g 957.10 0.00 0.0%
Pork, fresh, loin, center rib (chops or roasts), boneless, separable lean only, raw
1 chop, excluding refuse (yield from 1 raw chop, with refuse, weighing 113 g) 0.00 g 133.76 0.00 0.0%
100g 0.00 g 152.00 0.00 0.0%
1 lb 0.00 g 689.47 0.00 0.0%